A friend in our small group shared how she spent time with a younger woman who just got out of prison. You could tell as she described the visit the compassion she had for this person. She doesn't have a job, is living with her mom, and is now seeking to make it in this world after being in prison for 6 years. This woman spoke many times about God. I was impressed with the courage this woman had in facing this new life. I was also impressed with my friend's desire in sharing time with her. God calls us to love and be a message of hope those around us. I have never met anyone who has been in prison. Most people I meet are like me. Middle class, working, house, kids, pets. Linda, your love showed through today. May you be blessed.
God commanded us to love just as He first loved you.
Love has no condition, love in all you say and do.
Look through you eyes with love inside
The your heart will see.
That when you help the least of them
You're really helping me.
The Father loved the world so much
He gave His only son
He showed us in the life He lived
Of how we should become
An imitation of the Father's love
An imitation of the Father's love
Love is patient love is kind
Love never fails
Abide in love through sacrifice
Let's God's love prevail
Boundless and eternal
The fragrance God desires
Light the world
Spread the flame
Love is what's required