
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 106 - Ordinary

Life can be vey ordinary. I have a pretty normal schedule at work and at home.  We eat the same things.  We watch tv at the same time. Exercise during certain times. In all of this there are moments where within the ordinary God will be able to use us for his plan and purpose.  There could be many opportunities to be used by God in the ordinary moments of life.  How do we make ourselves ready?  In our small group we talked about this.  We all agreed:
1.  Read God's Word.
2.  Meditate and pray daily.
3.  Remove our own desires and seek the desires of God in your heart.
4.  Ask God for clear guidance. 
5.  When he calls us, be bold and do it.

You may not see any results.  But trust God and obey.


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