
Saturday, March 8, 2014

In Honor of Cheryl

Cheryl is a inspiring woman from our church who went to be with the Lord yesterday.  My husband and were in several small groups with Cheryl and her husband.  There is a quote, "Be the person that if anyone ever said anything bad about you, no one would believe it." Cheryl was that person.  Her faith in Christ was a living testimony.   Cheryl battled breast cancer for the last 10 years of her life. She was paralyzed from the waste down the last year as the cancer moved into her spine.  In spite of it all Cheryl had a quiet loving spirit.  I would say she was a perfect example of living by the fruit of the spirit as we are to become as Christians. 
I want us to take The Cheryl Challenge.  We can all live like Cheryl.  We can all be an example of Christ.  It doesn't matter how old you are or what you have done in your past or just did a few moments ago.  With Christ, we are a NEW CREATION.  New meaning CHANGED.  Accept this NOW.  We are free.  If you are already a follower of Christ then change from your old ways.  Get rid of hatred, anger, bitterness, selfishness, rage, and unforiveness.  Through the Holy Spirit living in you, live with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self control.

If you have never accepted Christ into your life, then I beg you to do it right now.  Christ provides a way for us to have everything above and receive this for eternity.  Our life on earth is but a second.  We can make a choice.  But this choices offers us a chance to live with God forever.  To have the Holy Spirit enter our soul and give us everything in that picture above now.  You can and will experience peace so wonderful, love so amazing,  joy never ending.  No matter what you will endure on this earth, God will never leave you and promises that.  That is why we can suffer and still live by the Fruit of the Spirit.  

Our small group is studying Hebrews.  The book of Hebrews was partly written for Jews who converted to Christianity.  They were persecuted and lived a very hard life.  The Jewish people disowned them. To some it was so hard they wanted to go back to the old ways and give up.  Throughout Hebrews the message is clear.  Turn you eyes to Jesus.  Fix your eyes on Jesus.  Jesus came down to give us a new way and and new life.  When we turn to Christ, we can find rest here on earth.  Cheryl was able to find rest through Christ in spite of her troubles.  

Change today.  Don't be so prideful or embarrassed.  Take the Cheryl Challenge and become the person God intended you to be.

If you want to become a follower of Christ.  Just pray,  Jesus, I sin.  I don't like my life and I want you to be a part of me.  I believe that you were the sacrifice for me.  By dying on the cross you saved me.  I believe in you and want you to be in my life forever. Amen!  

I will leave you with a quote that is on Cheryl's Pinterest board. 

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