
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 137 - Inner Joy

Do you have inner joy?  It is the knowing that no matter what is going on,  you have the confidence that God is with you, protecting you and taking care of your life.  Will you have struggles and sorrow?  Yes. Life happens.  The world around us continues. We experience ups and downs.  We get sick.  We loose jobs.  We experience losses of loved ones.  But God loves us so much.  We celebrate his love by the birth of Jesus.  He came down to be the sacrificial lamb for our sin.  God is with us now in this life.  His promises tell us what he will do.  Because of this we can be at peace and have an inner joy so filled with love that we are protected and free within the trials of this world.  Take a moment this Christmas to find your inner joy.  Rest in God's promises from his word.  Share your joy with those around you.  
I have a fun song for you to celebrate your joy.  It is for kids, but says it so clearly why we have 
J to the O to the Y!!!  

Peace....  ( paste into you tube)

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