
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day 61 - Free Your Mind

Why do we complicate our lives.  Jesus made everything so simple.  We need to go back to His teachings in the bible and just relax and let what he tells us to do soak into our minds.  We have very cluttered minds.  Have you ever tried to sit still and do nothing without thinking?  It is very hard.  Yet we must let our thoughts out so that God can enter in.  I am a fan of the contemporary christian worship scene.  Many do not like the repetitive singing over and over and over again of one phrase.  The next time you are listening to a song or in a worship service where a song has a repetitive phrase, take this time to treat it in a meditative way.  By singing the phrase over and over you can clear your mind of the unnecessary thoughts in your head and allow yourself to hear from God.  Just as the Buddhist repeats ohmmmmmmm and plays a gong over and over, or when we meditate we focus on our breathing,  it is a way to let out your thoughts. Once we free our minds, we just might hear a word or two from God.

Peace and love be yours.............

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