
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 81 - Surroundings

Our small group has been having good discussions about The Forgotton God.  It is a study on the Holy Spirit. I know change is happening within me.  I have opened my heart to how God wants me to interact with others in this world.  It is about loving everyone no matter what and being all about the fruit of the spirit.  The good news is that the Holy Spirit will bring out these traits.  When we exhibit love, patience, joy, peace, others will want to understand how we have this in the world.  That will be the opportunity to let them know about Jesus.  We need more examples of Christ. The kind that others want to know the secret to your happiness and joy.  Are you one of those people?  It is good to find other believers who want to be disciples of Christ. To know that even though a sinner, we can be changed by the power of the Holy Spirit living in our hearts. It is a continuing journey that we must continually seek out in our lives. Find the simplicity of Christ and follow Him. 

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