We have started our small group on Tuesday nights. We are studying the Holy Spirit from the Forgotton God series by Francis Chan. Our discussion went to if we have felt moved by the Holy Spirit. I had shared that some years back I had a very strong connection with God and felt the presence of the Holy Spirit move within my life. I do not feel this close now as I did years back. Someone asked why? I said it was life creeping back into my attention. But, after thinking about this for awhile, it had to do with one action. Surrender. God asks us to surrender our lives so that he can lead us and we can be used according to his purpose and plan. Surrender. Giving up your control and what you think God wants and turning your life over to him. Surrender. It isn't a kind of partial sometime kind of decision. It is a life changing, God inspiring, radical thinking, satisfying leap of faith.
We all know that God keeps his promises. So let go and surrender.
Peace and Surrender........
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