
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 34 - Blessings!

Today I wanted to send a shout out and a praise to two of the women I work with in Accounting.  They are both being treated for cancer.  They have both been going through radiation treatments.  And now have both completed this phase of their treatment.  VICTORY!  I praise both of them for the courage and stamina to keep working through the treatment sessions.  And if you don't know anything about radiation, it does effect your body.  It burns and you have other complications associated with this treatment.

So today, Kathy and Darlene, I salute the both of you and pray that God richly blesses you both.  I pray that God will heal your body and give you both miracles of healing.  I thank God for your courage,  your positive attitude, and the smiles I see on each of your faces.  You are both a blessing and an encouragement for others.

If you know of someone with cancer, please stop and pray for them right now.  And pray for Kathy and Darlene.  God Bless!


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