
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Day 46 - Work

I went into work on Sunday. Not what I wanted to do but had to get some year end accounts balanced. This account is very frustrating because whatever we thought could go wrong did. After 6 hours of reconciling by looking though month after month I found maybe two thirds of the difference. In accounting, we balance. When it's off something is wrong.  So tomorrow I will go in very early to continue the recon.  The fact that this was not dealt with months ago is a problem. 

I guess that is also true with our lives.  We do not mess things up overnight. It takes months that we are not keeping ourselves in check and balancing our lives. That's what leads us to sickness, clutter in our lives, and frustration.  If we can keep a check on our health and our lives on a daily and weekly basis we will not loose control.   Now I am doing this and have to make up for the years I did not.  It is sometimes hard throughout the day to keep strong, but I want to be balanced. It's the accountant in me.  Hope you are balanced!  If not, take the plunge and start your personal reconciling today.


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